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Simple Motions

Rating Star3.6 / 5(1,221 Votes)
Sep 08, 2023
Jan 11, 2016
Browser, Mobile


Help guide the red ball to the flag at the end of each level. Put powerups in the ball's path to reach the flag and collect all three stars. Use your mouse to select and place the powerups in exactly the right spot, then hit START. Press EDIT or the R key if you need to make changes to the powerups again.

Help guide the red ball to the flag at the end of each level. Put powerups in the ball's path to reach the flag and collect all three stars. Use your mouse to select and place the powerups in exactly the right spot, then hit START. Press EDIT or the R key if you need to make changes to the powerups again.

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star3.6 / 5(1,221 Votes)
Sep 08, 2023
Jan 11, 2016
Browser, Mobile


Help guide the red ball to the flag at the end of each level. Put powerups in the ball's path to reach the flag and collect all three stars. Use your mouse to select and place the powerups in exactly the right spot, then hit START. Press EDIT or the R key if you need to make changes to the powerups again.

Help guide the red ball to the flag at the end of each level. Put powerups in the ball's path to reach the flag and collect all three stars. Use your mouse to select and place the powerups in exactly the right spot, then hit START. Press EDIT or the R key if you need to make changes to the powerups again.

3.6 Rating Star