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Slice the Box

Rating Star3.3 / 5(2,030 Votes)
Nov 10, 2023
Feb 29, 2016
Browser, Mobile


Use your mouse to draw slices and cut up the box. Some cuts can have turns in them. Right click to make a turn in your cut. Try to cut out the white dashed shape perfectly!


Hint: You have a certain number of different types of cuts in each level. Look at the top left corner to see how many you have of each.

Use your mouse to draw slices and cut up the box. Some cuts can have turns in them. Right click to make a turn in your cut. Try to cut out the white dashed shape perfectly!


Hint: You have a certain number of different types of cuts in each level. Look at the top left corner to see how many you have of each.

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star3.3 / 5(2,030 Votes)
Nov 10, 2023
Feb 29, 2016
Browser, Mobile


Use your mouse to draw slices and cut up the box. Some cuts can have turns in them. Right click to make a turn in your cut. Try to cut out the white dashed shape perfectly!


Hint: You have a certain number of different types of cuts in each level. Look at the top left corner to see how many you have of each.

Use your mouse to draw slices and cut up the box. Some cuts can have turns in them. Right click to make a turn in your cut. Try to cut out the white dashed shape perfectly!


Hint: You have a certain number of different types of cuts in each level. Look at the top left corner to see how many you have of each.

3.3 Rating Star