Cool Math Games Suggestion

Game developers, please go to

Hey, have you played a cool game somewhere else and want us to put it on We are always hunting for cool new games, so we would love your help!

The game needs to be non-violent and safe for everyone.

If it's a "thinking" game, we can try to get it for We can't promise that we can get the game, but, if it's good, we will definitely try our best!

Sometimes, we can't even find a way to contact who made the game.

Sometimes, they won't take their ads and links off for us (then, we can't use it.)

Sometimes, they've already promised to let another site be the only site that can have it and can't break their promise.

We will try though!

If the game is a sequel (or prequel) to a game we already have, then you don't need to tell us about it because we already know.  If we've been able to get it, we will put it up after the other one has been up for awhile!

To submit a game, please contact us here and put the word "suggestion" in your email:  (Please include a link to the game!)

We always REALLY appreciate how polite and professional you guys are when you email us with suggestions!  Thanks!

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Note that, if we think that we've received an email from someone under the age of 13, we will delete the email shortly after we've read it (which is required by COPPA.)  You can view our privacy policy here!