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The Runic Conjecture

Rating Star4.5 / 5(248 投票)
Aug 01, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Browser, Mobile


You awake in a strange garden... It's up to you to traverse the fields and uncover the mystery of this place!

Use the Arrow Keys to move. When you come across a locked door, you will need to use your keyboard to type a secret code! Some doors, however, may need to be connected to a power source. In the case, look for tall stones near the door with a line connecting the stones to the door. To activate a stone, you'll need to type a certain sequence of letters to connect the power source to the door.

When you're typing a code, you can press Backspace to remove a letter. You can also press the Tab key to re-enter the last code you tried. When you want to enter the code, press the ENTER key.

When trying to power the stones to the door, use the letters you've been introduced to to try and decipher the correct code.

HINT: In the second area, the A symbol will do one thing and the C symbol will do another. Figure out what each letter does and assemble them in the right order to connect the square to the circle.

あなたは奇妙な庭で目を覚まします... 野原を横断してこの場所の謎を解き明かすのはあなた次第です!


コードを入力しているときに、Backspace キーを押すと文字を削除できます。また、Tab キーを押して、最後に試したコードを再入力することもできます。コードを入力するときは、ENTER キーを押します。


ヒント: 2 番目のエリアでは、A シンボルは 1 つの機能を果たし、C シンボルは別の機能を果たします。各文字の機能を理解し、正しい順序で組み合わせて、四角形を円につなげます。


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Rating Star4.5 / 5(248 投票)
Aug 01, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Browser, Mobile


You awake in a strange garden... It's up to you to traverse the fields and uncover the mystery of this place!

Use the Arrow Keys to move. When you come across a locked door, you will need to use your keyboard to type a secret code! Some doors, however, may need to be connected to a power source. In the case, look for tall stones near the door with a line connecting the stones to the door. To activate a stone, you'll need to type a certain sequence of letters to connect the power source to the door.

When you're typing a code, you can press Backspace to remove a letter. You can also press the Tab key to re-enter the last code you tried. When you want to enter the code, press the ENTER key.

When trying to power the stones to the door, use the letters you've been introduced to to try and decipher the correct code.

HINT: In the second area, the A symbol will do one thing and the C symbol will do another. Figure out what each letter does and assemble them in the right order to connect the square to the circle.

あなたは奇妙な庭で目を覚まします... 野原を横断してこの場所の謎を解き明かすのはあなた次第です!


コードを入力しているときに、Backspace キーを押すと文字を削除できます。また、Tab キーを押して、最後に試したコードを再入力することもできます。コードを入力するときは、ENTER キーを押します。


ヒント: 2 番目のエリアでは、A シンボルは 1 つの機能を果たし、C シンボルは別の機能を果たします。各文字の機能を理解し、正しい順序で組み合わせて、四角形を円につなげます。

4.5 Rating Star