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Must Escape the Wizard's Castle
Spielinhalt überprüft vonAntonia Gates
Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Richtlinien zur Spielbewertung
The wizard has trapped you in his castle and now you must escape! Click on the arrows to look around and click on objects to investigate or put them in your inventory.
When you want to use an object, click on it in your inventory and click where you want to use it. How fast can you escape?
The wizard trapped you in his castle and now you must escape! Click on the arrows to look around and click on objects to investigate or put them in your inventory.
To use an object, click on it in your inventory and click where you want to use it.
How quickly can you escape?
Nur einen Moment, während Ihre Anzeige geladen wird
Nur einen Moment, während Ihre Anzeige geladen wird
Spielinhalt überprüft vonAntonia Gates
Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Richtlinien zur Spielbewertung
The wizard has trapped you in his castle and now you must escape! Click on the arrows to look around and click on objects to investigate or put them in your inventory.
When you want to use an object, click on it in your inventory and click where you want to use it. How fast can you escape?
The wizard trapped you in his castle and now you must escape! Click on the arrows to look around and click on objects to investigate or put them in your inventory.
To use an object, click on it in your inventory and click where you want to use it.
How quickly can you escape?