The Realms of Terranor

Rating Star4.6 / 5(1,429 投票)
Feb 03, 2025
Dec 02, 2024
Browser, Mobile


Take the lead in the Loyalist faction and restore order back to Terranor! In each level, you must take rule of the opponent's castle and make sure you have enough troops to win the battle.

In each level, you will start with a small set of fighters each with different skillsets. You can hover over each of your fighters to see what class they are and what abilities they have. To move your unit, click on them and you'll see blue squares appear that will show you where you can move them. Click on the blue square you want to move them to and once they have finished moving, click End Turn.

The best way to take over the castles is to defeat the opposing faction! To fight an enemy, click on the unit you want to attack and you can move to a space where the opposing unit has a red square. Once you finish moving, click on the red square and you'll attack!

Try to capture as many of the opposing villages as you can. When you are next to a village, the square underneath the village will turn red. Click on the village and you'll gain control of it. The more villages you get, the more gold you'll earn.

As you battle, you'll need more units to fight. To recruit other fighters, click on the Recruit button and you can spend your goal on getting an additional unit. Just make sure you have enough gold for the fighter you want to recruit!

There are a few icons on the top of the screen:

  • The book icon shows the turn number
  • The pile of gold icon shows how much gold you have
  • The houses icon shows how many buildings you own
  • The knight helmet icon shows how many units you have on the battlefield
  • The pile of gold with the minus sign shows how much gold you are losing per turn
  • The pile of gold with the plus sign shows how much gold you earn per turn
  • The timer icon displays the time you've spent in battle

In the battlefield, there are environmental tiles that can affect the course of battle:

  • Forest tiles will boost your evasion skills
  • Hill tiles will increase your defense
  • Water tiles reduce evasion

If you would like to inspect an environmental tile further to see what it affects, right click on the tile.

Now go on to battle and regain control of the land!

ロイヤリスト派閥のリーダーとなり、テラノールに秩序を取り戻しましょう! 各レベルでは、敵の城を支配し、戦闘に勝つために十分な軍隊を確保する必要があります。




戦闘中は、戦うためのユニットがさらに必要になります。他の戦士を募集するには、[募集] ボタンをクリックし、目標を消費して追加のユニットを獲得できます。募集したい戦士のために十分なゴールドがあることを確認してください。


  • 本のアイコンはターン数を表示します
  • 金の山のアイコンはあなたが持っている金の量を示します
  • 家のアイコンは所有している建物の数を示します
  • 騎士のヘルメットアイコンは、戦場にいるユニットの数を示します
  • マイナス記号の付いた金の山は、ターンごとに失う金の量を示します。
  • プラス記号の付いた金の山は、ターンごとに獲得できる金の量を示します。
  • タイマーアイコンは戦闘に費やした時間を表示します


  • 森のタイルは回避スキルを高めます
  • 丘のタイルは防御力を高めます
  • 水タイルは回避率を下げる




0 XP
Rating Star4.6 / 5(1,429 投票)
Feb 03, 2025
Dec 02, 2024
Browser, Mobile


Take the lead in the Loyalist faction and restore order back to Terranor! In each level, you must take rule of the opponent's castle and make sure you have enough troops to win the battle.

In each level, you will start with a small set of fighters each with different skillsets. You can hover over each of your fighters to see what class they are and what abilities they have. To move your unit, click on them and you'll see blue squares appear that will show you where you can move them. Click on the blue square you want to move them to and once they have finished moving, click End Turn.

The best way to take over the castles is to defeat the opposing faction! To fight an enemy, click on the unit you want to attack and you can move to a space where the opposing unit has a red square. Once you finish moving, click on the red square and you'll attack!

Try to capture as many of the opposing villages as you can. When you are next to a village, the square underneath the village will turn red. Click on the village and you'll gain control of it. The more villages you get, the more gold you'll earn.

As you battle, you'll need more units to fight. To recruit other fighters, click on the Recruit button and you can spend your goal on getting an additional unit. Just make sure you have enough gold for the fighter you want to recruit!

There are a few icons on the top of the screen:

  • The book icon shows the turn number
  • The pile of gold icon shows how much gold you have
  • The houses icon shows how many buildings you own
  • The knight helmet icon shows how many units you have on the battlefield
  • The pile of gold with the minus sign shows how much gold you are losing per turn
  • The pile of gold with the plus sign shows how much gold you earn per turn
  • The timer icon displays the time you've spent in battle

In the battlefield, there are environmental tiles that can affect the course of battle:

  • Forest tiles will boost your evasion skills
  • Hill tiles will increase your defense
  • Water tiles reduce evasion

If you would like to inspect an environmental tile further to see what it affects, right click on the tile.

Now go on to battle and regain control of the land!

ロイヤリスト派閥のリーダーとなり、テラノールに秩序を取り戻しましょう! 各レベルでは、敵の城を支配し、戦闘に勝つために十分な軍隊を確保する必要があります。




戦闘中は、戦うためのユニットがさらに必要になります。他の戦士を募集するには、[募集] ボタンをクリックし、目標を消費して追加のユニットを獲得できます。募集したい戦士のために十分なゴールドがあることを確認してください。


  • 本のアイコンはターン数を表示します
  • 金の山のアイコンはあなたが持っている金の量を示します
  • 家のアイコンは所有している建物の数を示します
  • 騎士のヘルメットアイコンは、戦場にいるユニットの数を示します
  • マイナス記号の付いた金の山は、ターンごとに失う金の量を示します。
  • プラス記号の付いた金の山は、ターンごとに獲得できる金の量を示します。
  • タイマーアイコンは戦闘に費やした時間を表示します


  • 森のタイルは回避スキルを高めます
  • 丘のタイルは防御力を高めます
  • 水タイルは回避率を下げる



4.6 Rating Star