
Rating Star4.3 / 5(251 Votes)
Feb 07, 2025
Jan 24, 2025
Browser, Mobile


In Cryptograms, every puzzle is a hidden message, where every letter has been replaced with a number. Your goal is to decrypt the text and reveal the hidden message. The hidden messages you'll encounter won't be random strings of letters: they will be famous idioms, words of wisdom, quotes from movies, and passages from literature, to name a few examples.

To solve a puzzle, tap on a blank space, then type a letter. A correct guess will reveal that letter and all instances of it. If it’s incorrect, you’ll lose a life, which is represented by the five heart icons at the top of your screen. If you run out of lives, you can watch an ad to revive yourself with 3 lives.

The quotes from these Cryptograms can come from almost anywhere. Whether it's a famous athlete like Muhammad Ali, or a civil rights activist like Maya Angelou, you have to be prepared for it all.

TIP: You can use strategies from other word games like Hangman to help solve puzzles in Cryptograms. For example, if you see a number that repeats itself several times, it's likely one of the more common letters in the English language: the vowels A, E, I, O, U, or the consonants T, N, S, R, and H. Try to start with those!

In Cryptograms, every puzzle is a hidden message, where every letter has been replaced with a number. Your goal is to decrypt the text and reveal the hidden message. The hidden messages you'll encounter won't be random strings of letters: they will be famous idioms, words of wisdom, quotes from movies, and passages from literature, to name a few examples.

To solve a puzzle, click on a blank space, then type a letter. A correct guess will reveal that letter and all instances of it. If it’s incorrect, you’ll lose a life, which is represented by the five heart icons at the top of your screen. If you run out of lives, you can watch an ad to revive yourself with 3 lives.

The quotes from these Cryptograms can come from almost anywhere. Whether it's a famous athlete like Muhammad Ali, or a civil rights activist like Maya Angelou, you have to be prepared for it all.

TIP: You can use strategies from other word games like Hangman to help solve puzzles in Cryptograms. For example, if you see a number that repeats itself several times, it's likely one of the more common letters in the English language: the vowels A, E, I, O, U, or the consonants T, N, S, R, and H. Try to start with those!

How many Cryptograms are there?

There are hundreds of different Cryptograms for you to try. This means that you can play for about as long as you want without getting a duplicate puzzle. 

Do the number of hearts reset?

Yes! For each Cryptogram you are given 5 lives. Upon completion, your lives will reset, meaning that you have an equal amount of opportunities for each puzzle. As mentioned before, if you begin to run low on hearts, you can always just watch a video. 

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star4.3 / 5(251 Votes)
Feb 07, 2025
Jan 24, 2025
Browser, Mobile


In Cryptograms, every puzzle is a hidden message, where every letter has been replaced with a number. Your goal is to decrypt the text and reveal the hidden message. The hidden messages you'll encounter won't be random strings of letters: they will be famous idioms, words of wisdom, quotes from movies, and passages from literature, to name a few examples.

To solve a puzzle, tap on a blank space, then type a letter. A correct guess will reveal that letter and all instances of it. If it’s incorrect, you’ll lose a life, which is represented by the five heart icons at the top of your screen. If you run out of lives, you can watch an ad to revive yourself with 3 lives.

The quotes from these Cryptograms can come from almost anywhere. Whether it's a famous athlete like Muhammad Ali, or a civil rights activist like Maya Angelou, you have to be prepared for it all.

TIP: You can use strategies from other word games like Hangman to help solve puzzles in Cryptograms. For example, if you see a number that repeats itself several times, it's likely one of the more common letters in the English language: the vowels A, E, I, O, U, or the consonants T, N, S, R, and H. Try to start with those!

How many Cryptograms are there?

There are hundreds of different Cryptograms for you to try. This means that you can play for about as long as you want without getting a duplicate puzzle. 

Do the number of hearts reset?

Yes! For each Cryptogram you are given 5 lives. Upon completion, your lives will reset, meaning that you have an equal amount of opportunities for each puzzle. As mentioned before, if you begin to run low on hearts, you can always just watch a video. 

In Cryptograms, every puzzle is a hidden message, where every letter has been replaced with a number. Your goal is to decrypt the text and reveal the hidden message. The hidden messages you'll encounter won't be random strings of letters: they will be famous idioms, words of wisdom, quotes from movies, and passages from literature, to name a few examples.

To solve a puzzle, click on a blank space, then type a letter. A correct guess will reveal that letter and all instances of it. If it’s incorrect, you’ll lose a life, which is represented by the five heart icons at the top of your screen. If you run out of lives, you can watch an ad to revive yourself with 3 lives.

The quotes from these Cryptograms can come from almost anywhere. Whether it's a famous athlete like Muhammad Ali, or a civil rights activist like Maya Angelou, you have to be prepared for it all.

TIP: You can use strategies from other word games like Hangman to help solve puzzles in Cryptograms. For example, if you see a number that repeats itself several times, it's likely one of the more common letters in the English language: the vowels A, E, I, O, U, or the consonants T, N, S, R, and H. Try to start with those!

4.3 Rating Star