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Diggy: Gold Rush
Spielinhalt überprüft vonAlex Feigenbaum
Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Richtlinien zur Spielbewertung
Welcome to the Gold Rush! There's lots of gold, gems, minerals, and great finds hidden underground.
Click and drag to draw a path. When you release, Diggy will drill along that path and grab any gold, gems, and power-ups along the way. Drill into dynamite to set off an explosion, or into barrels to get more fuel for your drill. When you run out of fuel, you'll tally up your earnings and get a chance to buy upgrades for your gear.
Keep going further underground to learn the story of the Wandering Truffle! You can also find rare treasures to fill up the museum.
Welcome to the Gold Rush! There's lots of gold, gems, minerals, and great finds hidden underground.
Click and drag to draw a path. When you release, Diggy will drill along that path and grab any gold, gems, and power-ups along the way. Drill into dynamite to set off an explosion, or into barrels to get more fuel for your drill. When you run out of fuel, you'll tally up your earnings and get a chance to buy upgrades for your gear.
Keep going further underground to learn the story of the Wandering Truffle! You can also find rare treasures to fill up the museum.
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Nur einen Moment, während Ihre Anzeige geladen wird
Diggy: Gold Rush
Spielinhalt überprüft vonAlex Feigenbaum
Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Richtlinien zur Spielbewertung
Welcome to the Gold Rush! There's lots of gold, gems, minerals, and great finds hidden underground.
Click and drag to draw a path. When you release, Diggy will drill along that path and grab any gold, gems, and power-ups along the way. Drill into dynamite to set off an explosion, or into barrels to get more fuel for your drill. When you run out of fuel, you'll tally up your earnings and get a chance to buy upgrades for your gear.
Keep going further underground to learn the story of the Wandering Truffle! You can also find rare treasures to fill up the museum.
Welcome to the Gold Rush! There's lots of gold, gems, minerals, and great finds hidden underground.
Click and drag to draw a path. When you release, Diggy will drill along that path and grab any gold, gems, and power-ups along the way. Drill into dynamite to set off an explosion, or into barrels to get more fuel for your drill. When you run out of fuel, you'll tally up your earnings and get a chance to buy upgrades for your gear.
Keep going further underground to learn the story of the Wandering Truffle! You can also find rare treasures to fill up the museum.