
Rating Star4.8 / 5(558,775 投票)
Jul 02, 2024
Mar 16, 2016
Browser, Mobile


Follow the instructions to craft awesome weapons and armor to equip the heroes on their adventure. Manage your time, work carefully, and discover secret recipes to make the best gear.

The key to pleasing your customers in Jacksmith is accuracy. Make sure that you pay attention to every little detail, from casting the metal properly to putting on the grip right in the center of the blade handle. Every single thing that you do will affect your performance score in the end, so don’t cut corners. It can be tempting to try and go your fastest in order to please the customers, but if you are sacrificing speed for accuracy then it will only result in a worse experience. 

If you are a fan of cooking games that involve creating dishes and serving them out to customers, then you will likely be a fan of Jacksmith. There really isn’t much of a difference between forging bows and baking up hot and tasty pizzas. Even if blacksmithing isn’t really your thing, you should definitely give Jacksmith a try.


在 Jacksmith 中取悦客户的关键是准确性。确保您注意每一个小细节,从正确铸造金属到将手柄放在刀柄的正中央。你所做的每一件事最终都会影响你的表现得分,所以不要偷工减料。为了取悦客户,尝试以最快的速度可能很诱人,但如果您为了准确性而牺牲速度,那么只会导致更糟糕的体验。

如果您喜欢制作菜肴并将其提供给顾客的烹饪游戏,那么您可能会喜欢 Jacksmith。锻造弓和烘烤热腾腾的美味披萨之间确实没有太大区别。即使您不喜欢锻造,您也绝对应该尝试一下杰克史密斯。


0 XP
Rating Star4.8 / 5(558,775 投票)
Jul 02, 2024
Mar 16, 2016
Browser, Mobile


Follow the instructions to craft awesome weapons and armor to equip the heroes on their adventure. Manage your time, work carefully, and discover secret recipes to make the best gear.

The key to pleasing your customers in Jacksmith is accuracy. Make sure that you pay attention to every little detail, from casting the metal properly to putting on the grip right in the center of the blade handle. Every single thing that you do will affect your performance score in the end, so don’t cut corners. It can be tempting to try and go your fastest in order to please the customers, but if you are sacrificing speed for accuracy then it will only result in a worse experience. 

If you are a fan of cooking games that involve creating dishes and serving them out to customers, then you will likely be a fan of Jacksmith. There really isn’t much of a difference between forging bows and baking up hot and tasty pizzas. Even if blacksmithing isn’t really your thing, you should definitely give Jacksmith a try.


在 Jacksmith 中取悦客户的关键是准确性。确保您注意每一个小细节,从正确铸造金属到将手柄放在刀柄的正中央。你所做的每一件事最终都会影响你的表现得分,所以不要偷工减料。为了取悦客户,尝试以最快的速度可能很诱人,但如果您为了准确性而牺牲速度,那么只会导致更糟糕的体验。

如果您喜欢制作菜肴并将其提供给顾客的烹饪游戏,那么您可能会喜欢 Jacksmith。锻造弓和烘烤热腾腾的美味披萨之间确实没有太大区别。即使您不喜欢锻造,您也绝对应该尝试一下杰克史密斯。

4.8 Rating Star