LinkedIn Games: Fun Daily Puzzles to Try Today

LinkedIn games recently entered the casual gaming scene with the release of their daily games in May 2024. Since then, their fun puzzles and friendly aesthetics have made them a popular part of many players' daily routines.
LinkedIn Games
There are three different LinkedIn games available on Coolmath Games, each with its own kind of fun. Whether it be grammar, puzzle-solving, or a grid-based brainteaser, players will almost for sure find something they enjoy.
The most popular of the LinkedIn games, Queens gives players the opportunity to play a faster and debatably more dynamic version of Sudoku. In Queens, a 10 by 10 grid is divided into randomly colored sections. The goal of Queens is to fill each row, column, and colored section with one queen - no more and no less.
Players will have to use deduction and logic in order to fill out the grid perfectly and complete the puzzle. Be warned - the clock is ticking and you will be timed. Whether you care about your time is up to you, but it can be a fun way to compare your puzzle-solving skills to your friends.
The goal of Crossclimb is to build a ladder of words that change by one character each time. For example, a ladder may go from Gift → Sift → Soft. Hints will be given for each rung of the ladder. Once you’ve completed the words given to you by solving clues, you will be asked to arrange them in descending order, with only one character changing in each word.
Finally, in the final phase, there will be two additional words that need to be solved. One is at the top of the puzzle, and the other is at the bottom. Use a final clue to solve both the top and bottom clues.
It may sound like a complicated game, but once you play it once or twice you’ll realize that there is really nothing to fear about this LinkedIn game. As long as you can solve puzzles and figure out patterns, it’ll be a breeze!
Of all the LinkedIn games here at Coolmath Games, Pinpoint is by far the easiest to learn. In Pinpoint, you will be given five different words that are all under the same category. At first, you will only be given one word. Every time you make a guess and answer incorrectly, an additional word will appear. This goes on until you either guess the category correctly, or get to the fifth word. Once you unlock the final word, you will be given one more guess. Get the category correct by the fifth word and you win, but get it wrong and it’s game over!
You will often have to think outside of the box in Pinpoint, especially if you are making guesses with just the first word or two. For example, if you see the word ‘Python,' you might think it is a snake category. However, Python could also be interpreted as a coding language. Thinking critically about the multiple definitions of words is key.
Now that you have heard about the various LinkedIn games, go and play each of them here on the LinkedIn games collection page. It’s likely that you’ll find at least one that you like! Who knows, you might even work one of these games into your daily routine.
LinkedIn games not working? Try opening them up in a Chrome browser and everything should go smoothly.