
Rating Star3.9 / 5(4,152 投票)
May 15, 2024
May 14, 2021
Browser, Mobile


In Grabble, you score points in two ways:

  1. Creating words from tiles on the table
  2. Stealing words from other players

Creating Words From Tiles on the Table

Every several seconds a new tile appears on the table. If you see tiles to create a word that’s 4+ letters long, type it in to grab it. You score one point for every letter.

Stealing Words

Once a player has created a word, that word can be stolen. To steal a word, you create a new word that combines ALL the letters in the existing word plus at least one letter from the table.

For example, if one player has made the word BATHE, you can use an R on the table to create a new word: BREATH. When you do that, the player who had BATHE loses that word and its 5 pts, and you gain 6 pts. (You can definitely use more than one letter to steal. For example, you could take the letters E,R,D from the table to steal BATHE and turn it into BREATHED.)

One thing: You must create a brand new word, so you can’t steal a word just by adding one of these common suffixes: -S, -ED, -ING. You also can’t steal by adding UN- or RE- to the start of a word. Everything else is fair game!

You can also build on your own words. For example, if you’ve already made CATS, and you see a K on the table, you can enter STACK to change CATS into STACK (which gains you a point and makes your word harder to steal).

Remember, to steal a word you must use ALL the letters in the original word, and add at least one new letter from the table.

Game End

The game ends when all the tiles are revealed. You score one point for each letter in your words. The player with the most points wins!

在 Grabble 中,您可以通过两种方式得分:

  1. 从桌子上的瓷砖创建单词
  2. 窃取其他玩家的话语


每隔几秒钟,桌子上就会出现一个新的图块。如果您看到拼贴可以创建长度超过 4 个字母的单词,请输入该单词以获取它。每个字母你得一分。



例如,如果一名玩家创造了“BATHE”一词,您可以使用桌子上的“R”来创建一个新词:“BREATH”。当您这样做时,拥有 BATHE 的玩家会失去该单词及其 5 分,而您将获得 6 分。 (你绝对可以使用多个字母来窃取。例如,你可以从表中取出字母 E、R、D 来窃取 BATHE 并将其变成 BREATHED。)

有一件事:您必须创建一个全新的单词,因此您不能仅通过添加以下常见后缀之一来窃取单词:-S、-ED、-ING。您也不能通过在单词开头添加 UN- 或 RE- 来窃取。其他一切都是公平的游戏!

您也可以根据自己的话进行构建。例如,如果您已经制作了 CATS,并且在桌子上看到一个 K,则可以输入 STACK 将 CATS 更改为 STACK(这会为您赢得一分,并使您的单词更难被窃取)。





0 XP
Rating Star3.9 / 5(4,152 投票)
May 15, 2024
May 14, 2021
Browser, Mobile


In Grabble, you score points in two ways:

  1. Creating words from tiles on the table
  2. Stealing words from other players

Creating Words From Tiles on the Table

Every several seconds a new tile appears on the table. If you see tiles to create a word that’s 4+ letters long, type it in to grab it. You score one point for every letter.

Stealing Words

Once a player has created a word, that word can be stolen. To steal a word, you create a new word that combines ALL the letters in the existing word plus at least one letter from the table.

For example, if one player has made the word BATHE, you can use an R on the table to create a new word: BREATH. When you do that, the player who had BATHE loses that word and its 5 pts, and you gain 6 pts. (You can definitely use more than one letter to steal. For example, you could take the letters E,R,D from the table to steal BATHE and turn it into BREATHED.)

One thing: You must create a brand new word, so you can’t steal a word just by adding one of these common suffixes: -S, -ED, -ING. You also can’t steal by adding UN- or RE- to the start of a word. Everything else is fair game!

You can also build on your own words. For example, if you’ve already made CATS, and you see a K on the table, you can enter STACK to change CATS into STACK (which gains you a point and makes your word harder to steal).

Remember, to steal a word you must use ALL the letters in the original word, and add at least one new letter from the table.

Game End

The game ends when all the tiles are revealed. You score one point for each letter in your words. The player with the most points wins!

在 Grabble 中,您可以通过两种方式得分:

  1. 从桌子上的瓷砖创建单词
  2. 窃取其他玩家的话语


每隔几秒钟,桌子上就会出现一个新的图块。如果您看到拼贴可以创建长度超过 4 个字母的单词,请输入该单词以获取它。每个字母你得一分。



例如,如果一名玩家创造了“BATHE”一词,您可以使用桌子上的“R”来创建一个新词:“BREATH”。当您这样做时,拥有 BATHE 的玩家会失去该单词及其 5 分,而您将获得 6 分。 (你绝对可以使用多个字母来窃取。例如,你可以从表中取出字母 E、R、D 来窃取 BATHE 并将其变成 BREATHED。)

有一件事:您必须创建一个全新的单词,因此您不能仅通过添加以下常见后缀之一来窃取单词:-S、-ED、-ING。您也不能通过在单词开头添加 UN- 或 RE- 来窃取。其他一切都是公平的游戏!

您也可以根据自己的话进行构建。例如,如果您已经制作了 CATS,并且在桌子上看到一个 K,则可以输入 STACK 将 CATS 更改为 STACK(这会为您赢得一分,并使您的单词更难被窃取)。




3.9 Rating Star