Dieses Spiel ist ausschließlich über einen Herausgeber erhältlich, der Anzeigen in die Spieldateien integriert hat. Aus diesem Grund können wir die Anzeigen für Abonnenten nicht entfernen, wie wir es für alle anderen Seiten der Website tun.
Entschuldigung ... Dieses Spiel ist in Ihrem Browser nicht spielbar.

Dieses Flash -Spiel ist derzeit in Ihrem Browser derzeit nicht spielbar, aber wir arbeiten an einem Fix! Kommen Sie regelmäßig zurück, um zu sehen, ob es bereit ist zu spielen.
Die meisten Browser unterstützen Flash nicht mehr. Betroffene Spiele werden durch angegeben

Micro Crossword
Der Entwickler dieses Spiels verlangt, dass wir auch für unsere Premium -Abonnenten Videoanzeigen während des Gameplays zeigen. Wir haben den Rest der Anzeigen auf dieser Seite blockiert, und Sie werden auf den meisten unserer Seiten noch alle Anzeigen entfernen lassen.
Spielinhalt überprüft vonAlex Feigenbaum
Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Richtlinien zur Spielbewertung
Use the clues to fill in the answers down and across to complete the puzzle. Your goal is to solve this tiny grid!
Use your mobile keyboard to type in the answers. You can tap on the arrows on top of the puzzle to scroll through clues or tap on any clue on the side of the puzzle. Tapping on a clue will highlight which direction the world will go.
You can tap on any square in the crossword to highlight the clue you need to answer. If you want to change the clue direction, tap the square twice and the new direction will be highlighted along with the new clue.
In the "Reveal" section, you can choose to reveal a letter, a word, or the whole puzzle! You can also clear the puzzle and timer at any time under the "Clear" tab.
Tap on the calendar and select any date to play a previous puzzle.
HINT: In the "Check" section, you can tap the "Autocheck" button to see if you're typing the right word. If a letter is red, that means it's not the right letter. When a letter is black, that's the correct letter!
Use the clues to fill in the answers down and across to complete the puzzle. Your goal is to solve this tiny grid!
Use your keyboard to type in the answers. You can click on the arrows on top of the puzzle to scroll through clues or click on any clue on the side of the puzzle. Clicking on a clue will highlight which direction the world will go.
You can click on any square in the crossword to highlight the clue you need to answer. If you want to change the clue direction, click the square twice and the new direction will be highlighted along with the new clue.
In the "Reveal" section, you can choose to reveal a letter, a word, or the whole puzzle! You can also clear the puzzle and timer at any time under the "Clear" tab.
Click on the calendar and select any date to play a previous puzzle.
HINT: In the "Check" section, you can click the "Autocheck" button to see if you're typing the right word. If a letter is red, that means it's not the right letter. When a letter is black, that's the correct letter!
Dieses Spiel ist ausschließlich über einen Herausgeber erhältlich, der Anzeigen in die Spieldateien integriert hat. Aus diesem Grund können wir die Anzeigen für Abonnenten nicht entfernen, wie wir es für alle anderen Seiten der Website tun.
Nur einen Moment, während Ihre Anzeige geladen wird
Nur einen Moment, während Ihre Anzeige geladen wird
Micro Crossword
Spielinhalt überprüft vonAlex Feigenbaum
Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Richtlinien zur Spielbewertung
Use the clues to fill in the answers down and across to complete the puzzle. Your goal is to solve this tiny grid!
Use your mobile keyboard to type in the answers. You can tap on the arrows on top of the puzzle to scroll through clues or tap on any clue on the side of the puzzle. Tapping on a clue will highlight which direction the world will go.
You can tap on any square in the crossword to highlight the clue you need to answer. If you want to change the clue direction, tap the square twice and the new direction will be highlighted along with the new clue.
In the "Reveal" section, you can choose to reveal a letter, a word, or the whole puzzle! You can also clear the puzzle and timer at any time under the "Clear" tab.
Tap on the calendar and select any date to play a previous puzzle.
HINT: In the "Check" section, you can tap the "Autocheck" button to see if you're typing the right word. If a letter is red, that means it's not the right letter. When a letter is black, that's the correct letter!
Use the clues to fill in the answers down and across to complete the puzzle. Your goal is to solve this tiny grid!
Use your keyboard to type in the answers. You can click on the arrows on top of the puzzle to scroll through clues or click on any clue on the side of the puzzle. Clicking on a clue will highlight which direction the world will go.
You can click on any square in the crossword to highlight the clue you need to answer. If you want to change the clue direction, click the square twice and the new direction will be highlighted along with the new clue.
In the "Reveal" section, you can choose to reveal a letter, a word, or the whole puzzle! You can also clear the puzzle and timer at any time under the "Clear" tab.
Click on the calendar and select any date to play a previous puzzle.
HINT: In the "Check" section, you can click the "Autocheck" button to see if you're typing the right word. If a letter is red, that means it's not the right letter. When a letter is black, that's the correct letter!