
Rating Star4.1 / 5(4,273 投票)
Nov 06, 2023
Sep 14, 2016
Browser, Mobile

怎么玩 FreeCell

Your goal is to stack all of the cards in play into the "foundation piles" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Cards must be played to these foundation cards in order, starting with Ace, then 2, then 3, and so on through King.

In order to do that you'll need to stack your cards at the bottom of the table in columns of cards in decreasing order. Any card may be stacked on top of another card with a rank 1 higher of the opposite color. So a 5 of Clubs can be stacked on a 6 of Hearts or Diamonds, but not any other rank, and not the 6 of Spades. Once you've started stacking cards, you can move your stacks provided you have enough free slots on the top left hand of the screen. You can always move 1 card for free, but you need 1 slot open in order to move 2 cards, 2 slots open in order to move 3 cards, and so on. If you clear a column of cards on the board, you can also move cards to the open FreeCell spaces there, and can keep as many cards there as you like.

This can be a really tough game to get the hang of! Try to focus on "freeing" the Aces of each suit so that you can start playing cards up to the foundation spaces. Good luck!

您的目标是将所有在场的牌堆到屏幕右上角的“基础牌堆”中。必须按顺序将牌打到这些基础牌上,从 A 开始,然后是 2,然后是 3,以此类推,直到 King。

为此,您需要将卡片按降序排列在表格底部的卡片列中。任何一张牌都可以堆叠在另一张等级高 1 的相反颜色的牌上。因此,梅花 5 可以叠加在红心或方块 6 上,但不能叠加任何其他等级,黑桃 6 也不能叠加。开始堆叠卡片后,只要屏幕左上角有足够的空闲插槽,就可以移动堆叠。您始终可以免费移动 1 张卡,但需要打开 1 个插槽才能移动 2 张卡,打开 2 个插槽才能移动 3 张卡,依此类推。如果你清除了棋盘上的一列卡片,你还可以将卡片移动到那里的空闲空当空间,并且可以在其中保留任意数量的卡片。

这可能是一个很难掌握的游戏!尝试专注于“释放”每个花色的 A,这样你就可以开始打牌到基础空间。祝你好运!

什么是游戏 FreeCell?


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Rating Star4.1 / 5(4,273 投票)
Nov 06, 2023
Sep 14, 2016
Browser, Mobile

怎么玩 FreeCell

Your goal is to stack all of the cards in play into the "foundation piles" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Cards must be played to these foundation cards in order, starting with Ace, then 2, then 3, and so on through King.

In order to do that you'll need to stack your cards at the bottom of the table in columns of cards in decreasing order. Any card may be stacked on top of another card with a rank 1 higher of the opposite color. So a 5 of Clubs can be stacked on a 6 of Hearts or Diamonds, but not any other rank, and not the 6 of Spades. Once you've started stacking cards, you can move your stacks provided you have enough free slots on the top left hand of the screen. You can always move 1 card for free, but you need 1 slot open in order to move 2 cards, 2 slots open in order to move 3 cards, and so on. If you clear a column of cards on the board, you can also move cards to the open FreeCell spaces there, and can keep as many cards there as you like.

This can be a really tough game to get the hang of! Try to focus on "freeing" the Aces of each suit so that you can start playing cards up to the foundation spaces. Good luck!

您的目标是将所有在场的牌堆到屏幕右上角的“基础牌堆”中。必须按顺序将牌打到这些基础牌上,从 A 开始,然后是 2,然后是 3,以此类推,直到 King。

为此,您需要将卡片按降序排列在表格底部的卡片列中。任何一张牌都可以堆叠在另一张等级高 1 的相反颜色的牌上。因此,梅花 5 可以叠加在红心或方块 6 上,但不能叠加任何其他等级,黑桃 6 也不能叠加。开始堆叠卡片后,只要屏幕左上角有足够的空闲插槽,就可以移动堆叠。您始终可以免费移动 1 张卡,但需要打开 1 个插槽才能移动 2 张卡,打开 2 个插槽才能移动 3 张卡,依此类推。如果你清除了棋盘上的一列卡片,你还可以将卡片移动到那里的空闲空当空间,并且可以在其中保留任意数量的卡片。

这可能是一个很难掌握的游戏!尝试专注于“释放”每个花色的 A,这样你就可以开始打牌到基础空间。祝你好运!

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