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Rock Forest

Sep 01, 2023
Aug 07, 2023
Browser, Mobile


Use WASD or Arrow Keys to move. Push a rock out of the way by moving against it, but you can't move multiple rocks at once!

Make sure you avoid the bats as you forge your path to the sign at the end of the level. If you get stuck, press R to reset the level.

Use WASD or Arrow Keys to move. Your goal is to get to the signpost!

You can push a rock out of the way by moving against it. However, you can't push more than one rock at a time.

Make sure you avoid the bats! If you get stuck, press R to reset the level.

Game Progress

0 XP
Sep 01, 2023
Aug 07, 2023
Browser, Mobile


Use WASD or Arrow Keys to move. Push a rock out of the way by moving against it, but you can't move multiple rocks at once!

Make sure you avoid the bats as you forge your path to the sign at the end of the level. If you get stuck, press R to reset the level.

Use WASD or Arrow Keys to move. Your goal is to get to the signpost!

You can push a rock out of the way by moving against it. However, you can't push more than one rock at a time.

Make sure you avoid the bats! If you get stuck, press R to reset the level.