Field Separation

Rating Star2.6 / 5(290 Votes)
Feb 29, 2024
Dec 31, 1998


Point and click your mouse to put up fences that separate the land into rectangular fields. Each rectangular field must contain exactly one house and the area of the field must match the number on the house.


TIP: This game is very sensitive and, if you don't click right where the fence needs to be, it might put up extra fences that you'll need to take back down. If you think you've solved the puzzle but it isn't giving you credit, you might also be missing some fences.

Point and click your mouse to put up fences that separate the land into rectangular fields. Each rectangular field must contain exactly one house and the area of the field must match the number on the house.


TIP: This game is very sensitive and, if you don't click right where the fence needs to be, it might put up extra fences that you'll need to take back down. If you think you've solved the puzzle but it isn't giving you credit, you might also be missing some fences.

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star2.6 / 5(290 Votes)
Feb 29, 2024
Dec 31, 1998


Point and click your mouse to put up fences that separate the land into rectangular fields. Each rectangular field must contain exactly one house and the area of the field must match the number on the house.


TIP: This game is very sensitive and, if you don't click right where the fence needs to be, it might put up extra fences that you'll need to take back down. If you think you've solved the puzzle but it isn't giving you credit, you might also be missing some fences.

Point and click your mouse to put up fences that separate the land into rectangular fields. Each rectangular field must contain exactly one house and the area of the field must match the number on the house.


TIP: This game is very sensitive and, if you don't click right where the fence needs to be, it might put up extra fences that you'll need to take back down. If you think you've solved the puzzle but it isn't giving you credit, you might also be missing some fences.

2.6 Rating Star