Snake Go

Rating Star3.8 / 5(1,245 Votes)
Jan 03, 2024
Nov 29, 2023
Browser, Mobile


Draw a path from the snake to the apple. Once you've made your path, tap the Go button and watch the snake move. Make sure you avoid the walls and blue circles.

Once you start drawing, you only have a limited amount of time to finish your path. When you start drawing, the blue circle around your snake will shrink. Once it runs out, you can't draw any further, so make sure you reach the apple before that happens.

Left Click on the snake and drag your mouse to draw a path. Your goal is to get the snake to the apple safely! Once you've made your path, click the Go button and watch the snake move. Make sure you avoid the walls and blue circles.

Once you start drawing, you only have a limited amount of time to finish your path. When you start drawing, the blue circle around your snake will shrink. Once it runs out, you can't draw any further, so make sure you reach the apple before that happens.

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star3.8 / 5(1,245 Votes)
Jan 03, 2024
Nov 29, 2023
Browser, Mobile


Draw a path from the snake to the apple. Once you've made your path, tap the Go button and watch the snake move. Make sure you avoid the walls and blue circles.

Once you start drawing, you only have a limited amount of time to finish your path. When you start drawing, the blue circle around your snake will shrink. Once it runs out, you can't draw any further, so make sure you reach the apple before that happens.

Left Click on the snake and drag your mouse to draw a path. Your goal is to get the snake to the apple safely! Once you've made your path, click the Go button and watch the snake move. Make sure you avoid the walls and blue circles.

Once you start drawing, you only have a limited amount of time to finish your path. When you start drawing, the blue circle around your snake will shrink. Once it runs out, you can't draw any further, so make sure you reach the apple before that happens.

3.8 Rating Star