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How to Play Papa’s Pancakeria: A Complete Guide

Griffin Bateson / April 27, 2023
How to Play Papa’s Pancakeria: A Complete Guide

Do you know what's even better than pancakes? An entire Papa's Pizzeria spinoff game that is dedicated to owning a pancake house. That's exactly what Papa's Pancakeria is. Papa Louie has left you all alone yet again to take care of the restaurant. Don't worry though! Despite Papa Louie providing you with no instructions, we have a complete beginner's tutorial to help you out and get off to a great start.

How to play Papa’s Pancakeria

Papa's Pancakeria has a pretty similar format to most of the other Papa's Games. Players start by portioning out the pancake batter and cooking it evenly on both sides. There will be a meter that will show you how cooked the pancakes are. When the meter gets to the halfway point on the meter, it is time to flip the pancake. Once it has been fully cooked on both sides, you are ready for the decorating process.

Decorating the pancakes is the most fun part of Papa's Pancakeria for most players. There are all different kinds of combinations that customers can order. From blueberries, to butter, to bananas, to flavored syrups, you never really know what customers will order. When they do though, make sure to follow their directions exactly. This means that you must put the butter in the area of the pancake that they ask for, spread the maple syrup evenly across the pancakes, and put the correct amount of fruit on. Be as diligent as you can in this pancake game, cutting corners will result in worse tips at the end.

Papa’s Pancakeria Strategies

With all of the fuss that Papa's Pancakeria brings, it can be easy to get overwhelmed in all of the chaos. Not to worry though, we have a few strategies that should help you run the best pancakeria that you possibly can. Read on to learn 4 tips and tricks to assist you in your pancake-flipping journey.

Keep track of your tickets

It can get confusing when there are several tickets to keep track of at once. It is important to know which ticket you are working on. The last thing you want is to give the wrong stack of pancakes to the wrong person. This will mess up your round big time and your tips are going to be a lot lower. While this is a pretty simple tip, it is an important one to remember. 

Mini-games can earn you money

How to Play Papas Pancakeria Gameplay

There are 7 different mini-games available in Papa's Pancakeria, one for each day of the week. This means that you can come in every day and play a different mini-game! There are tons of games to play, like Hallway Hunt, Breakfast Blast, or Burger Slots (featured above). 

Not only are these games fun to play, but they also have a strategic advantage to them. Players are rewarded with various different items, including tips and decorations for the store. While the mini-games seem a little bit silly, they are actually a great way to get some extra income for the pancakeria.

There’s always more work to do

If there is ever a time when you aren't doing anything in Papa's Pancakeria, you are probably making a mistake. There is almost always something that you can be doing. You can either take orders, decorate pancakes, or hold down the arrow that speeds up the pancake-making process. Just try and be as productive as you can while the pancakeria is open for service.

Accuracy is more important than speed

While it is important to try and always stay active, don't panic and try to do everything at once. If a customer has to wait a little bit for their order, that is okay. It is better to work slowly but accurately than to get orders finished quickly but without accuracy. This goes for pretty much every other game from the Papa's Pizzeria series. Be slow and smooth, not fast and frantic. You will see better results throughout the workday.

So now that you know how to play Papa’s Pancakeria and properly run the pancake house, go and try it out for yourself! With these tips and tricks, you are sure to become a pancake professional in no time.