Tiny Heist

Rating Star4.5 / 5(24,330 Votes)
Mar 04, 2024
Feb 17, 2017
Browser, Mobile


Sneak into the tower, and see how far you can go! Use the Arrow Keys to move. Get to the pink staircase in each level to reach the next floor. But watch out for patrolling guards, sleeping dogs, and cameras! If they spot you, they'll chase you down. Sneak up behind them (but stay out of the light) and walk into them to knock them out. If you need to wait for a guard, dog, or camera, press Z or SPACE to pass the time.

If the staircase is behind a green door, you'll need a key to open it. You can also get special items that each have their own ability. Press 1, 2, or 3 to use them. Good luck!

Sneak into the tower, and see how far you can go! Use the Arrow Keys to move. Get to the pink staircase in each level to reach the next floor. But watch out for patrolling guards, sleeping dogs, and cameras! If they spot you, they'll chase you down. Sneak up behind them (but stay out of the light) and walk into them to knock them out. If you need to wait for a guard, dog, or camera, press Z or SPACE to pass the time.

If the staircase is behind a green door, you'll need a key to open it. You can also get special items that each have their own ability. Press 1, 2, or 3 to use them. 

Having some trouble making it all the way up the tower? Don't worry, we've got you covered with our Coolmath Games blog full of Tiny Heist tips & tricks to help you along the way.

What are some similar games to Tiny Heist?

Tiny Heist is hard to put into an exact box. It is a kind of stealth game that involves tons of different genres. Is it a ninja game? Is it an abstract puzzle game? Is it a strategy game? The answer is  – kind of a mash-up of all of them. Players will need to be able to problem-solve and have a well-thought-out strategy if they are hoping to sneak their way through the entire game and make it to the end. 

Because of this unique combination of genres, there aren’t a ton of games that have quite the same gameplay as Tiny Heist. However, we do have a couple of recommendations. Salvage is a great game that captures the same kind of slow yet action-packed gameplay. Players are flying a spaceship, trying to destroy other spaceships while avoiding the incoming blasters coming for them. Salvage has the same kind of 2D, retro gameplay to it.

If the stealth aspect of Tiny Heist really appeals to you, then we recommend that you also check out the game Escape Hatch. In Escape Hatch, players must play as a newly hatched chicken trying to trick and evade a hoard of hungry pigs coming for you. You must use your cunningness and quickness if you want to make it to the end. 

To learn more about Escape Hatch, along with the rest of our stealth games, we have an entire Coolmath Games blog devoted to some of our favorite stealth games

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star4.5 / 5(24,330 Votes)
Mar 04, 2024
Feb 17, 2017
Browser, Mobile


Sneak into the tower, and see how far you can go! Use the Arrow Keys to move. Get to the pink staircase in each level to reach the next floor. But watch out for patrolling guards, sleeping dogs, and cameras! If they spot you, they'll chase you down. Sneak up behind them (but stay out of the light) and walk into them to knock them out. If you need to wait for a guard, dog, or camera, press Z or SPACE to pass the time.

If the staircase is behind a green door, you'll need a key to open it. You can also get special items that each have their own ability. Press 1, 2, or 3 to use them. Good luck!

What are some similar games to Tiny Heist?

Tiny Heist is hard to put into an exact box. It is a kind of stealth game that involves tons of different genres. Is it a ninja game? Is it an abstract puzzle game? Is it a strategy game? The answer is  – kind of a mash-up of all of them. Players will need to be able to problem-solve and have a well-thought-out strategy if they are hoping to sneak their way through the entire game and make it to the end. 

Because of this unique combination of genres, there aren’t a ton of games that have quite the same gameplay as Tiny Heist. However, we do have a couple of recommendations. Salvage is a great game that captures the same kind of slow yet action-packed gameplay. Players are flying a spaceship, trying to destroy other spaceships while avoiding the incoming blasters coming for them. Salvage has the same kind of 2D, retro gameplay to it.

If the stealth aspect of Tiny Heist really appeals to you, then we recommend that you also check out the game Escape Hatch. In Escape Hatch, players must play as a newly hatched chicken trying to trick and evade a hoard of hungry pigs coming for you. You must use your cunningness and quickness if you want to make it to the end. 

To learn more about Escape Hatch, along with the rest of our stealth games, we have an entire Coolmath Games blog devoted to some of our favorite stealth games

Sneak into the tower, and see how far you can go! Use the Arrow Keys to move. Get to the pink staircase in each level to reach the next floor. But watch out for patrolling guards, sleeping dogs, and cameras! If they spot you, they'll chase you down. Sneak up behind them (but stay out of the light) and walk into them to knock them out. If you need to wait for a guard, dog, or camera, press Z or SPACE to pass the time.

If the staircase is behind a green door, you'll need a key to open it. You can also get special items that each have their own ability. Press 1, 2, or 3 to use them. 

Having some trouble making it all the way up the tower? Don't worry, we've got you covered with our Coolmath Games blog full of Tiny Heist tips & tricks to help you along the way.

4.5 Rating Star