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Planet Life
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Game content reviewed byAlex Feigenbaum
Follow the prompts to set up your planet. Click through the menus to find your robot, and set it out harvesting wood and gold. Keep clicking on different menus to grow your planet, harvest new resources, explore the dungeon and more! Play on to find out what happens next.
Follow the prompts to set up your planet. Click through the menus to find your robot, and set it out harvesting wood and gold. Keep clicking on different menus to grow your planet, harvest new resources, explore the dungeon and more! Play on to find out what happens next.
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Game content reviewed byAlex Feigenbaum
Follow the prompts to set up your planet. Click through the menus to find your robot, and set it out harvesting wood and gold. Keep clicking on different menus to grow your planet, harvest new resources, explore the dungeon and more! Play on to find out what happens next.
Follow the prompts to set up your planet. Click through the menus to find your robot, and set it out harvesting wood and gold. Keep clicking on different menus to grow your planet, harvest new resources, explore the dungeon and more! Play on to find out what happens next.